EU-Projekte von alfatraining
Innovativ, zukunftsoriertiert, international
alfatraining beteiligt sich seit vielen Jahren an verschiedenen EU-Forschungsprojekten.

Unsere Partnerländer
Deutschland, Griechenland, Italien, Spanien, Schottland, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Polen, Slowenien, Tschechien, Nord-Mazedonien, Türkei.
Unsere Projekte
- essense
- Erasmus+
- Lifelong Learning Program „LEONARDO DA VINCI – Mobility“
- European experience and training in the field of Java programming, Bulgarien
- Developing skills for Industry 4.0, Bulgarien
- Strengthening students' soft skills and Teachers' training in Project Based Learning, Griechenland
- Management and applications of ERP systems, Griechenland
- The acquisition of innovative skills as key to professional development and improvement of employability, Griechenland
- Startups: Techniques to Grow Your Business by Digital Marketing, Griechenland
- MOBILE MARKETING: Practices, tools and competencies on business market, Griechenland
- Knowledge, competences, innovations-Development of the Association Szanse by improving the skills of key members through their participation in courses and job shadowing in education institutions in EU countries, Polen
- ANDRiOS the future is in programming mobile devices, Rumänien
- UM.B.R.E.L.L.A (UMami beyond limits – Building domestic and international audiences along the way – Re-imaging a healthy future – Experiencing digital – Learning to innovate – Loving to create – Accelerating development and achieving great outcomes), Griechenland
- Innovation and Expertise as key to Professional Development, Griechenland
- Vocational Skills and New Opportunities, Bulgarien
- G.R.E.E.C.E. (Global citizens – Ready to engage – Entrepreneur's spirit – European perspective –
- Co create a shared future – Experience a journey of life long learning), Griechenland
- SMART BUILDINGS- THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATIONS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT : advanced skills for technicians and their trainers, Griechenland
- ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Practical Skills to start a business in e-Commerce, Griechenland
- Acquisition of professional web programming skills for an earlier integration in the labor market, Rumänien
- Modern technologies in Practical Training! Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Bulgarien
- European cooperation for improving professional skills in computer aided planning 2D/3D CAD, Rumänien
- Youth entrepreneurship and innovative development practice, Griechenland
- Web Technologies in Adult Education, Griechenland
- IT and Linguistic skills – the guarantee for a succesful employment, Rumänien
- The European professional experience in the Web design, Bulgarien
- Qualification the EUropean Way, Polen
- Management of online trading platform, Griechenland
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